She will fall in love with me

A young musician, bruised by his recent break-up, leaves to travel in India. In the course of the encounters rythming his journey, he is going to realize the vanity of his ill-being. She Will Fall In Love With Me is a movie dealing with love break-ups. Emotional, strong, sometimes funny and self-mocking, this film is a sort of musical road-trip in the heart of India.

We are meeting five endearing characters who tell us, each one in their way, their love stories. Sore, never-ending, happy or fantasized, they are all at the same time unique and universal. It is a moving film in which everybody can find himself. And in which always remains the hope of a love story that will never end… As Sathyendra, an old mischiefous Indian, says : “she left that boy, very bad boy, and then I thought : now she will fall in love with me”.


Genre | docudrama
Length | 42 min
Direction | Théo Laboulandine
Script | Hélène Mitjavile
Photography | Théo Laboulandine
Editing | Elena Raguénès
Music | Anatole Schoeffler
Sound | Hadrien Favreau & Hugo Laboulandine
Poster artwork | 3615 Belle Lurette

Distributed by l’Harmattan Vidéo

© Melocoton Films 2012

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