Let’s Dance

Genre I Docu drama serie for TikTok
Length I 54 x 1 minutes
On TikTok, everyone dances hip hop without knowing what it means.
In the form of a docu-drama, the adventures of Tiktokers tell in 9 one-minute episodes the deeper meaning behind Breakdance, Krump, Popping, Voguing, Waacking and Twerk.

With I Jojo Akamz, Jamsy 360, Jika Manu, Fémi the Scorpion, Andy 4k, Sidney, Alaïa Al Safir, Fannie Sosa, Navild Acosta, Junior Almeida, Marianna Benenge
Directors I Zéphyr, Florence Fauquet, Kensley Jules, Maud Konan, Stéphanie Cazaentre, Marilou Poncin
Scriptwriters I Kensley Jules, Zéphyr, Maud Konan, Joel Nsita, Archibald Martin
Concept created by Valentine Cuzin, Chloé Duval and Laura Frémy adapted by Stéphanie Cazaentre, Archibald Martin and Théo Laboulandine
Articles I Arte mag
Coproduction I Melocoton Films, Arte france, SattLutech
Producer I Théo Laboulandine
Script coordinator I Archibald Martin
Artistic counsellor I Leïla Montanier
Production managers I Alexandre Caquelin, Lucy-Blue Ferry
With the support of the CNC – Fonds Expériences numériques, the Ministère de la Culture for movie about dance, City of Paris’s help for development, Mutuelle Nationale des Artistes and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes’s regional council.